Thursday, March 15, 2012

I survived my first "event"!


So...I went to a cardiologist today. Everything seems fine, but I get to wear this neat-o monitor box thing that attaches to two little pads, one by my clavicle to the right, and one on my ribs to the left. It beeps sometimes and stuff. I have to wear it for 30 days. FUN.

But's supposed to monitor.......idk. Palpitations? Irregularities?
So, if I feel something wrong or some variation, like my heart starts racing or fluttering or something, I push this button, and it makes noise while it records, and then stores the "event" in the box. When I have three "events" recorded, I get to call the monitor people, and put the box up to the phone--a land line, specifically--and it magically transmits the recordings over the phone. Cool, right?

Sometimes it records automatically, if it senses an event that I can't feel.
That already happened today, at 7:17PM. It beeped, recorded, and did a little ring-tone like diddle to say it was done.
I'm supposed to "sit quietly" and "breathe normally" when it records. I think I was a little too freaked out to do that when it happened. Plus, I had been walking, not sitting, which made it a little more difficult to "sit quietly" and calm down.

What was cool was that it beeped. There's no way to turn the sound off completely, so the best I can do is this beep. If I don't have it on the beep, it makes this TOTES AWK loud fax machine-esque noise that lasts the entire time it's recording. I'm gonna do my best to make sure it's always on the beep setting, but I still just hope it doesn't go off in class. Especially not choir. I intend to take it off the day of MPA (they said I could do that). I also intend to take it off for prom, which, I didn't realize until this afternoon, is next weekend. I had to try on my dress today at this alteration place for this lady to pin so she can hem it later. It was a little awkward because (1) I haven't shaved LOL and (2) I had the weird pad thing by my clavicle showing, just out in the open. I have to replace those every 3 days, so I think the day of prom I'll just keep them off. I should be allowed to do that, right? 28/30 days should be enough to catch these "events" anyway. After all, one's already happened, and it's been less than 12 hours.

Anyway, I have to go walk my dog.
But, just thought I'd record all this.

Hahahaha. Record. Events. Blogging. Trololololol.

I have to finish this paper tonight or tomorrow. O boi~

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