Friday, February 3, 2012

3 posts, 1 day! Lol.

Just Tuesday, I felt like the world was falling apart.

It seems, in the history of me, that every time I feel so overdramatic like that, as long as I let it all out (through blogging, crying, eating/stuffing my face, blashkdjhas, etc. [all of which was indulged in Tuesday night])
I typically find myself fine the next day.

Better, even, than before.

I don't know if this is a mood pattern, or a physical pattern.

Crying generally helps.

I hate doing it, because when I actually allow myself to do it are the times when I really need to and end up crying for an hour straight or something like that. I don't time myself.

Remember middle school and the beginning of high school when I never let myself really cry?

Yeah, I'm over that. Crying definitely helps when you can just let it all go.

Everything makes me cry now. Thinking too much makes me cry. Sad stories make me cry. Sad music makes me cry. My own voice makes me cry, when I try to tell someone I'm all right and it comes out horribly, like I'm barely holding together. Stuff just makes me cry. It's gotten to the point where it's pretty embarrassing, especially around people that knew me during my never-ever-cry years.
But it's whatever.

I'mma go now. I'm tired of writing.

Sometimes it seems I will never run out of words.

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