Friday, July 17, 2009

A little scoop of ice cream...

I made these. Long before Tuesday's shopping adventure where we came across a shirt with rainbow cartoon bears. I had, like, a reference for the head, two for the body, and three for the tail. @_@

Tuesday was phenomenal. I don't remember having so much fun. <3
I've missed our little trio. The whole gang is fantastic, but there's nothing quite like a day of just us. C:


I just watched one of the most intense Soul Eater episodes yet, as the series comes to it's climax and close, and what do you know, halfway through, Megavideo screws up and the sounds is late. There was a lot of screaming in that episode too. It blew my mind and messed with my eyes, trying to connect the subs the the sound to the effects to the battle to the action to the characters constantly flying across the screen.
So Marie's eyepatch has to do with the outlet of her "Redemption" soul wavelength...impressive. One of the most destructive weapons, imbued with one of the greatest healing powers.
I love this show. <3


I've been overeating. It makes me feel horrible, but I keep feeling like I need to eat. x_X
I don't know what's going on with me.


I'm not done with my summer reading. I don't know how I can finish the Mark Twain in time. ;_;


I was shocked too. By how eager "friends" were to attack other "friends". But I haven't been around them much. My closer friends aren't like that. It made me wonder how many others in the world are like that. And how many are like you, scarred to thinking that everyone is the same, and there is no kindness anymore.


It's becoming harder to talk to people directly. I'm so used to shutting up inside over the summer. I've talked more than ever, yet have rarely left the house. It's been very unrewarding.
But I'm not feeling quite so depressed as it might sound. Which is also bordering disappointing.
It makes me it's true. That the less I live, the less I feel.

I don't know what to think of that. I usually go by gut-feeling, but as I said, I'm not feeling much of anything.

I want another snack. -_-


  1. Mona,
    I eat too much too. I don't know how not to though, because it helps. With something.
    I enjoyed Tuesday a lot too, I don't remember having a day like that in a long time, and I miss it.
    I don't know how to do any of the things that go along with the books, and I've only read one. I'm scared I won't finish, or I'll do horribly.
    You need to come over.

    Don't eat poisen, the world would suck without you.

    lol, my captcha is "porkless."

  2. I've only read one also. I'm a good ways to failing right now. I need to get to it.

    And would you look at that, I'm eating as I type this.

    And I noticed spelling errors in my own blog. grawr.

  3. I saw a movie called SIN eater. It was strange. o.O

    My book is on my nightstand. It has a layer of dust on it. -FAIL-
    I keep promising myself I'll start it tonight -and it never happens. N.N

    I've shut myself up too "(
    but I mostly spend my time outside growing stuff. C: or sleeping because somehow I can't fall asleep before 2:00 anymore -.-

    Being home makes me eat a lot D:

    we need to go do something fun. I have a bunch of blank canvases... :D
